IRSSI Push notifications to GNOME desktop and Android device
IRSSI configuration
Install these scripts into $HOME/.irssi/scripts (and symlink it in $HOME/.irssi/scripts/autorun) to have them autoloaded when IRSSI starts.
Android configuration
Sign up for a notifo account, download the android app, and sign in with it. Make note of the username and API key, as you’ll be configuring irssi to use them.
You’ll be loading the scripts in IRSSI and setting 2 notifo parameters:
/script load
/script load
/script load
/set notifo_username $USER_NAME
/set notifo_api_secret $API_KEY
Now receiving highlights while you’re away (detached from the screen) will send them to your android device.
Desktop configuration
Add an entry similar to this in your $HOME/.ssh/config file (creating it if it doesn’t exist yet). This will forward your traffic being received by the IRC server (on localhost) on port 4443 to your SSH client on port 4443 (IE: your laptop):
ControlMaster Yes
ControlPath $HOME/.ssh/irc.control
RemoteForward 4443 localhost:4443
Now all we need is a daemon running on your client to listen on localhost:4443 and receive the messages, then insert them into some sort of notification service. My method for doing this is to have a script in $HOME/bin run in a screen and display them using pynotify.
I’ve written a script that I call notifywatch that does exactly that. Save it to $HOME/bin/ and mark it executable.