Upgrading GuruPlug Kernels
After a failed flashing attempt(don’t attempt to tftp flash u-boot.kwb from within U-Boot!) I needed to use JTAG combined with the included JTAG adapter. To do this, make sure that the UART cable is unplugged, and the JTAG cable is plugged in(unplug/replug the USB adapter just to be safe). First grab the guruplug-installer package, then grab a known-good copy of U-Boot.
$ cd Downloads/
$ tar zxvf Guruplug-installer.tar.gz
$ cd guruplug-installer
$ sudo ./ ../uboot.guruplug.bin
(lots of scrolling text)
At this point U-Boot is restored, and all that’s needed is to upload a new kernel(and maybe rootfs). Your old kernel won’t work with this new version of U-Boot, so make sure that you have a kernel compiled and ready to use. If you don’t feel like patching(and manually fixing the failed patches) I’ve provided a 2.6.34 kernel for you, complete with modules. To upload the new kernel you’re going to need to attach your GuruPlug to your network with it’s top-facing ethernet interface(near eSATA port).
Installing Windows Vista/7 the lazy way!
Warning: This information comes without a warranty. I wont guarantee support if you break your hardware. I
m not responsible for anything you do with this information. For entertainment purposes only. I`m probably lying.
1. Obtain your Windows ISO. Probably using MSDNAA or something.
2. Make sure your hard drive is partitioned properly. This means leaving one partition open for windows. Make sure it`s easily identifiable from the windows installer(I give Windows 120GB of my 160GB drive). For this demonstration, I will use the 1st partition on my 1st disk(referred to as sda1). You can create a partition for this by using the GParted application to shrink a partition, then use the free space to create the windows partition.