
Ganeti, dealing with node failure

  • Get paged
  • Stop panicking
  • Be sure to log into the broken node to verify it actually died. If the VMs are still running correctly on it, and it’s simply a networking problem, if you proceed to bring them up again you will encounter a bad state known as ‘Split Brain’. This is difficult to recover from, so please verify the dead node is truly dead.
  • If there is more than 1 node left, try logging into the cluster IP (kvm.infra.scl1.mozilla.com vs kvm1.infra.scl1.mozilla.com)
  • If there is only 1 remaining node, voting won’t work, so ganeti-masterd will have to be started by hand:
root@vm1-1:~# ganet-masterd --no-voting

Once your master node is online, we need to set the failed node to Offline mode.

Installing Windows Vista/7 the lazy way!

Warning:  This information comes without a warranty.  I wont guarantee support if you break your hardware.  Im not responsible for anything you do with this information.  For entertainment purposes only.  I`m probably lying.

1.  Obtain your Windows ISO.  Probably using MSDNAA or something.

2.  Make sure your hard drive is partitioned properly.  This means leaving one partition open for windows.  Make sure it`s easily identifiable from the windows installer(I give Windows 120GB of my 160GB drive).  For this demonstration, I will use the 1st partition on my 1st disk(referred to as sda1).  You can create a partition for this by using the GParted application to shrink a partition, then use the free space to create the windows partition.